1.2 miles
Crushed granite, some sidewalk
Hiking, jogging, biking, pets
Zenoff Park (west), Schmeeckle Reserve Visitor Center (east)
Langenberg’s Brickyard

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, William Langenberg owned a large brickyard at the northern end of this trail. Langenberg’s land included current day Zenoff Park on the east side of Second Street and a private parcel on the west. Surface clay was excavated to produce bricks of various shades of red, which were used to construct many of the buildings in Stevens Point. At its peak, the brick manufacturer could dry up to 350,000 bricks in its dry yard and fire 1.4 million bricks in its kilns.
An 1897 calendar funded by Langenberg described the business: “Compliments of Wm. E. Langenberg, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Building Brick, Red Pressed Brick, Fire Brick. Also Wholesaler, Jobber and Retailer in Groceries, Building Materials, White Lime, Imported Cements, Domestic Cements, Sewer Pipe, Well Curbing, etc.”
Stevens Point Sculpture Park
The Brickyard Trail provides access to the Stevens Point Sculpture Park (free admission). The 20-acre wooded site features outdoor artwork from local, regional, and national artists. A 0.4-mile crushed granite trail connects to the Green Circle and loops through the park area. Click here for more information.
Zenoff Park
The Brickyard Trail also provides access to Zenoff Park (Stevens Point city park), which is well known for its world-class softball fields and has hosted several national tournaments. The park also provides a picnic area, playground equipment, a concession stand, and two lighted volleyball courts. Click here for more information.
Birding Information (Site #8)
The Brickyard Trail is a short segment of the Green Circle that can be accessed from Zenoff Park at the southeast corner of the parking lot. The trail traverses both woodland and wetland sites. white pine and jack pine are the dominant conifers intermixed with quaking aspen and white birch. Red oak and white oak are scattered in the understory. Several small shrub type wetlands and a narrow creek can be seen along segments of the trail. Birders should plan to spend at least 1 hour walking or 1.5 hours snowshoeing (round trip) this attractive trail.
Scattered throughout the woodland are many dead snag trees that provide feeding sites for Hairy, Downy, and Red-bellied Woodpeckers. Large cavity excavations are indicative of Pileated Woodpecker presence. White-breasted Nuthatches can be seen in the hardwood areas as well as occasional Red-breasted Nuthatches in spring and fall. During spring and fall migrations (May and September) one may find a host of warblers traveling through the tree tops while Song Sparrows, Swamp Sparrows, and Common Yellowthroats can be found in or near the wetter sites. Winter is a time to spot woodpeckers, Dark-eyed Juncos, Black-capped Chickadees, and occasional Purple Finches and House Finches. In spring watch for Wood Ducks and Mallards on the creek and Wild Turkeys anywhere along the trail.