Trail adopters are generous volunteers who keep specific sections of the Green Circle attractive, safe, and up-to-date. Currently, all sections have active trail adopters. If you’d like to be notified when a section becomes available, please let us know.
A special thank you to our current trail adopters, listed below!
Green Circle Trail Sections
- Brickyard Trail: Sarah Lima
- Iverson Park Trail: Stevens Point Women’s Club (led by Eileen Hessel)
- McDill Trail: Wonderful Water Run (led by Jeanna Trzebiatowski)
- Moses Creek Trail: Chaz ‘n Gerry
- Paper Mill Trail: North Central Conservancy Trust (led by Becky Wadleigh)
- Plover River Trail (north): Wednesday Night Running Group (led by Krista Krenz)
- Plover River Trail (south): Biker Women (led by Linda Nash)
- Riverfront Trail: Stevens Point Kiwanis Club (led by Marlee Samuels)
- River Pines Trail (north of Stevens Point Water Dept.): Stevens Point Cycling Club (led by John Zajakowski)
- River Pines Trail (south of Stevens Point Water Dept.): Rotary Club of Stevens Point (led by Bob Stack)
- Stagecoach Trail: Rotary Club of Greater Portage County (led by David Rosenthal)
- University Trail: Friends of Schmeeckle Reserve (led by Jim Buchholz)
- Westside Loop: “The Collective” (led by Amanda Ingersoll)
- Whiting Crossing Trail: Rick and Lynn Wyman
Trail Spurs
- Heartland Trail: Hostel Shoppe (led by Scott Cole)
- Hoover Road Trail Spur: Barb Alm